
i started this WordPress to have a space to house all of my yiddishkeit works without the extra stuff I also have on my personal tumblr, mostly bc I always want to give out my tumblr for its Jewish content but don’t bc of its personal content

on my personal tumblr I have a large following + community of radical Jews and radicals in general, and we all kinda support each other and its great

but I don’t see the kind of community on here that I do on tumblr, WordPress feels a lot more individualistic?

I don’t know if that’s cause I’ve only had it for like 3 days, but its a bit discouraging

also all the Jewish tags are filled with antisemitism, as they are on tumblr, but on tumblr there’s an alternative Jewish tag that we’ve created that goyim don’t generally post in, so I can find Jewish content without seeing antisemites call for the destruction of the Jewish race…

if anyone reads this and could suggest any blogs to follow that would be a huge help!

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